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2008年にアルバム「THE SWING OF THE PENDULUM」でデビュー。音楽活動と並行して広告のクリエイティブディレクター、CMプランナーとしても活動する兼業ミュージシャンである。オリジナル作品とあわせて、自身が企画する広告キャンペーンやCMソングの作詞・作曲、他アーティストやNHK「みんなのうた」への楽曲提供など、音楽と広告のフィールドをまたぐ独自の制作スタイルを持つ。
Ryuichiro Akamatsu
Singer-songwriter/Creative director
Debuted in 2008 with the album ’The Swing of the Pendulum’. Pursues a dual career as a singer-songwriter and a creative director in advertising, embodying the unique role of a "hybrid creator." Alongside original compositions, actively engages in songwriting and composition for advertising campaigns, provides music for other artists, and contributes to projects such as NHK’s Minna no Uta. The creative approach seamlessly connects the fields of music and advertising.
In 2012, co-founded the acoustic duo ’Antimony’ with guitarist Terukazu Inoue. Known for a distinctive lineup, including a kangaroo as the "leader," and for delivering catchy melodies with lyrics deeply rooted in Japanese language. To date, the duo has released three albums.
Originating from Ehime Prefecture (home town), actively participates in promoting the region through music. Works include PR songs such as “Tsukaretara, Ehime” (When You’re Tired, Ehime), “Dōgo no Waltz,” and image songs for the ferry services ’Citrus’ and ’Misora’, connecting Gogoshima and Takahama Port.
In August 2022, released ’Shukusai’ (Celebration), marking the first full-length album in 14 years.
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